
Telemedicine visits are available for current patients.

Request an Appointment with COHAmed

Call 855-920-1230 Monday-Friday from 8am to 4:00pm to make an appointment with one of our locations or fill up the form below.

Upload Your Document (Only .doc, .docx & .pdf format allowed)

Only .doc, .docx & .pdf format allowed

You may become our patient either by making the appointment through phone yourself or through a physician referral.

We will work with you to make an initial appointment with one of our physicians. As part of this process, you will be asked to provide necessary information including your diagnosis, the name of your referring physician and your insurance coverage.

We will need all records pertaining to your illness from your doctors and will help you obtain them. The registration paperwork will be mailed to you for your convenience and should be brought to your first appointment.

We also welcome the opportunity to provide second opinions. We know how stressful the initial diagnosis is, and we strive to deliver complete and accurate information as informatively and compassionately as possible. Be assured that our exceptional physicians will do their very best to help you.

  • Bring insurance cards.
  • Let us know whenever you change your address, telephone number, employment and marital status or insurance.
  • Bring a list of all medications that you are currently taking (including over-the-counter remedies, vitamins and herbal supplements.)

We understand that emergencies and special needs can occur, and we will do our very best to accommodate your specific needs. We request that should you need to cancel an appointment, you provide as much notice as possible in order for us to enable another patient to see the doctor.

Looking for the best Oncologist and Hematologist near you? We can help.

New Patient Registration Request an Appointment