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Cancer Control Month – Learn About What You Can Do to Make a Difference

Apr 21, 2021

Cancer Care

Cancer Control Month – Learn About What You Can Do to Make a Difference

Cancer is the second major cause of death in the United States of America. To highlight the necessity of living a healthy lifestyle and increase awareness about cancer, American President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared April as cancer control month in 1938.

Since then, April is dedicated to raising awareness about cancer causes and symptoms, screening, prevention, and treatment while supporting and assisting those fighting with the disease.

Goals of Cancer Control Month

Cancer control month focuses on the following goal categories:

  • Cancer Prevention 

    Prevention is among the most effective, long-term strategies for controlling cancer, as 30% to 50% of all cancer cases are preventable. It can be done by increasing awareness, reducing exposure to cancer risk factors, and providing required information and support to people to help them live a healthy lifestyle.

  • Early Detection of Cancer

    Early detection helps for successful treatment. This includes two major components: education and screening. Education focuses on providing individuals with information about understanding cancer risk factors and symptoms. This helps them undergo screening if they have any unknown risk factors or symptoms, helping to diagnose cancer at an early stage. Some examples of common cancer screening tests are mammograms, pap smears, and colonoscopies.

  • Improving Cancer Treatments and Increasing Its Survival Rate

    Since not all cancers are preventable, researching treatments help cure cancer and improve the survival rate. Raising awareness for organizations that conduct cancer research is critical also.

  • Enhancing the Quality of Life for People Diagnosed With Cancer

    Being diagnosed with cancer is difficult for patients and their families. This goal prioritizes reducing the burden of cancer, improving the quality of life, and supporting the patients before, during, and after the disease is diagnosed.

How to Prevent Cancer

Essential and effective cancer prevention measures include:


Regular cancer screenings are the most efficient way of detecting pre-cancerous cells and providing early treatment. Examples of easily screened cancers are:

  • Cervical Cancer- Pap tests at least every three years for women aged 21 and above.
  • Colon and Rectal Cancer- Yearly colonoscopies for men and women aged 50 and above.
  • Breast Cancer- Yearly mammograms for women aged 40 and above.

Getting Proper Vaccinations

FDA-approved vaccines are available, which can prevent certain cancers from developing. These include:

  • This three-shot vaccination protects both men and women against the Hepatitis B virus that causes liver cancer.
  • Guardasil or Ceravix- These vaccinations protect women against certain strains of cancer-causing Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).
  • Provenge- Approved in 2010, this cancer vaccine was developed to treat and minimize the symptoms of men suffering from metastatic prostate cancer.

Lifestyle Changes

While undergoing regular screenings and getting proper vaccines, following these simple lifestyle changes is essential to prevent cancer.

  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Completely steer clear of using tobacco products
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly, even if it includes light to moderate workouts
  • Minimize overexposure to the sun and UV radiation
  • Always stick to safe sex practices

What Can You Do?

Initially, it may seem overwhelming to increasing awareness or being involved with cancer control month as an individual. However, this movement has continued to unite Americans with the power of knowledge. Those looking to support cancer research can consider donating to improve cancer treatments and increase the survival rate or support cancer control programs.

Additionally, you can simply share information about cancer, tips to control the disease, and information about various treatment options for the disease to increase awareness about cancer prevention and to reduce the prevalence of the disease.

Remember that despite being among the most prevalent causes of death in the US, several forms of cancer are preventable and treatable. Take substantial steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from cancer to prevent the future onset of this life-threatening disease.

Schedule an appointment with Chesapeake Oncology Hematology Associates today for expert care and guidance on your cancer diagnosis or any questions you may have.

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